We are more than you and everyone else is. What your kind calls 'Gods' and a word we adopted. There is multiple gods that fall into categories that are : Life, Earth, Space and Fate. Each "God" has abilities that also have categories: Water, Wind, Ground, Steel, Mind, and life. Fates control all that goes on. They know everything that will happen, every timeline and possibility. However, they are angry, they resent Valerius and his family. His parents not only broke a rule of us Gods but were successful at something they have been trying to do for years. Valerius is not limited to one ability but holds that of life and steel, his sister is the same. Because of this change they cant see his fate or anyone in close contact with him. This has lead to them doing all they can to put him through hell so he can never be successful.

We were happy. We were okay. Then Valerius and I started traveling to different towns, Valerius doing deeds where he used both his abilities and the gods found out. Unhappy, while we were leaving the last town we stopped in the Gods punished us. Costing Valerius his life and me my body. Valerius never told me much about how he gave himself a second chance at life and you shouldnt ask him. I never remembered much from those days, only the sleepless nights and weeks without movement , without feeling alive. After my beloveds countless days of effort it paid off. I was reborn and given the mechanical body I have now. It did take some time to get adjusted with, my hearing and ability to speak is one of the few things i gained from it. Not only did Valerius surpass the Gods, and his parents we both broke multiple rules. I became aware of how unjust and corrupt the Gods were. How they preached the rules they made were to protect us but were only used to feed their fragile egos. It was not fair how much my love hurt just because his existence wasnt seen as right. After Valerius recovered emotionally we began our plan to not only kill the two major Gods but to replace them ourselves. There is more but it is nothing your mind can comprehend. For now i will keep you updated on current events in the simplest way possible.